Thursday, February 12, 2015

Math Poetry Rocks!!

I absolutely loved the poetry activity I did in class a few weeks ago.  The use of poetry in other subject areas is a great idea that can allow students to be more engaged, and understand the subject matter more effectively.  It also allows the teacher some background information about how the students feel about the subject in question. For more background information, as a class, we were asked to come up with a poem about either "The Trouble with Math" or "The Love of Math".  Our poem needed to be nine lines long, have at least one colour, one emotion, and we could not use the word math.

Many individuals in our class wrote amazing poems about their struggle with math, and some people wrote about how they love math.  By assigning this task to students it allows them the freedom of creative expression and if the teacher collects the poems and reads them, they can understand the way their students are feeling about the subject.

I will now share with you my terrible poem about math (but I loved writing it!!!)

I really enjoyed this activity and it brought up my feelings about math that I was not even fully aware of.  I would definitely recommend some sort of poetry activity in any subject to break the ice and to get students talking about their feelings regarding what they are about to learn. 

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